Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Twisted brads

Hmm. I seem to have scheduled this post when I made this Lo and forgotten to write anything about it! LOL

this is a LO for Twisted sketches- follow the link at the side to see the sketch- the twist this time is brads- anyway any how- so I added some old brads with holes for ribbon- the photo is of the boys eating fish and chips in Evesham while we were waiting for the start of the illuminated parade of boats - every year they hold a river festival and at night the boats parade up and down the river covered in lights!


  1. Love this! What a great picture! Always love the white space in your LO's. I'm going to have to try to get more of that in mine!

  2. I love this LO, what cool brads, never seen them where you can add ribbon. Is that Evesham in the U.K. you went to.
