Wednesday, 12 October 2011

don't look if you're easily offended

I've lumped the two embarrassing LOs of Stanley into one post. I started on the Lo at the bottom and then thought hey I might as well scrap the other embarrassing photo from the same day out while I'm at it- I might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb - as they used to say

this first Lo is for the Shimelle starting point for this week
Stanley absolutely insisted I take a picture of him posing in front of a case full of Ancient penises at the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam
I'm wondering why they want to put them on display in the first place- I'm Ok with them in situ on the statue as it were but to put them in a display case on their own?

The photo itself is quite funny as you can see Arthur in the reflection of the glass cackling as his brother is posing!
This was Shimelle's Staring point
scrapbooking starting point

This second Lo is for the Sketchy Thursday Sketch and is about the same day as the LO above- Amsterdam is littered with pissoirs - Stanley insisted on using this one we came across - whilst wearing his new shoes - and I had to take a photo- maybe its my fault he wanted the second picture taken as well!
This is the sketch- I've changed things round a bit- one photo instead of three and a jaunty angle!

10.6 sketch challenge

1 comment:

  1. Toooooooooooooo funny!! I loveeeeeeeeee them both!! AWESOME colors and the photos are FUNNY!! Love it! Thanks so much for playing along with Sketchy Thursdays! :):):):):):):):):):):):)
